
Hello and welcome to the Celeste Sightreading Competition!
This is a weekly event where you get to race a freshly released map completely blind!

There will be a YouTube stream with an initial Celestenet race every Friday at 2 PM EST at Celeste Modding Central, and you will have 4 days to play & submit an image of your journal to a form. The leaderboards will come out the next day along with a preview of the following week's upcoming map!
The top 3 placements each get to add an emote to the server weekly, but don't worry, this event won't be super competitive.
We're all here to play new cool maps, have fun, and improve at sightreading at our own pace!

I hope you all enjoy, and I'm super excited to see everyone experience these new maps in a new way!

Website inspired by iwannatwourney
Discord Server
Using icons from iconsvg


What counts as cheating?

You may not look up routes/information on the map or watch anyone play any of the rooms before playing yourself.
No usage of Speedrun Tool, CelesteTAS, or Variants allowed (most maps will have binos throughout, no custom binos needed).
These are all great tools for practice in other contexts, but the main focus of this event is going to be sightreading.
Pausing isn't explicitly banned, but please don't abuse it for pausebuffering and such.

Usage of the Discord Server

Please try to avoid all spoilers, including the #spoilers channel, before completing the map.
Also, #general is a spoiler-free zone, so please refrain from talking about a map's gameplay details in that channel.
If you are really stuck on a part and you know that you will not place top 3, you may ask for a hint in #spoilers, but please don't abuse this 😌.
Good luck, have fun, and when you're done with a map, you can submit in the weekly Google Form(s) in #submissions!
Happy sightreading!


Current Maps

Upcoming Maps

Previous Maps







